❱ fullstack web developer specialized in frontend development and web design
❱ student at CUNY Queens College majoring in computer science, and minoring in design
❱ some of my hobbies include art, video games, financial markets, anime, movies, and tv shows
❱ my website: my portfolio site is built on mostly css, html, and minimal javascript
❱ urlfolio: a react app utilizing a postgreSQL database via supabase. it stores URLs like bookmarks, but with greater ease of access, more visually comprehensible, and easier to use. URLs can be opened from anywhere you want
❱ magefund: a financial tool that helps calculates the appreciation of your assets/investments over a period of time
⋮ software
❱ languages: html, css, javascript, typescript, c++, go, python
❱ tech stacks: react.js, postgresql, node.js, express.js, vite.js, next.js, cloudflare, git, figma, wordpress, gsap
❱ general software/tools: paint.net, adobe photoshop, adobe illustrator, visual studio code, ms excel/sheets, ms word/docs, caniuse, ezgif
❱ development tools/concepts: system design, css flexbox/grid, css transformations, semantics, media queries, mobile responsiveness
❱ cuny baruch hack 2018 - plan-it eco
html, css, javascript, json, jquery, java
a website without any frameworks using json for the backend, the site's function was to help plan events, i worked
on the design, implementation, and wrote some of the css and html.
❱ new york university hack 2019 - carmogram
react native, c, javascript
a react native based healthcare app takes user drug prescription data and reminds them when to take it every week.
❱ global game jam 2020 - virus slayers
unity software, c#, adobe photoshop, adobe illustrator
a dungeon crawler inspired by hyper light drifters, it is a 2D isometric game that gets progressively harder and grows in map size, complexity, and difficulty as you get further.